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Chapbooks, Chapbooks, Chapbooks

I have a lot of ideas rolling around in my head regarding chapbooks; some involving speculative poetry and some not.

I’ve recently completed a project whereby I used ChatGPT to generate poems based on weather data for random American cities, so it would make perfect sense to have the next chapbook use that project as a starting point.

It really wouldn’t be hard to pick either a specific state and compose a predetermined number of poems based on a single day’s weather within that state.

Or I could focus on a single city and create a chapbook based on a 14-day weather forecast. This approach would allow for a deeper exploration of a city’s weather patterns over time.

Either these projects would basically be looking at these places as if they were under an x-ray light, missing large amounts of detail we normally take for granted, but capturing glimpses of patterns that would not be seen any other way—at least that’s the hope.

Either option would start with a raw set of poems to work with within a week or two. What will take longer, though, will be putting together an editing process that gives me more control over the finished pieces. I want the chapbook(s) to serve as proofs-of-concept, demonstrating the combination of artificial intelligence and human creativity to enhance and inspire the artistic process.

The heart in the iron…
(composed by me with AI using an Allpoetry account devoted to such experiments)

Moreover, I envision incorporating multiple media into the chapbook to complement the poems:

  • Photographs and videos (real and surreal)
  • soundscapes
  • spoken text. etc.

I would also explore the possibility of adding interactive elements, such as QR codes that link to multimedia to the poems, giving them literally more dimensions.

Who knows – maybe this will captivate someone’s imagination by inviting readers to engage with weather and poetry and technology in a new and profound way.

Alrighty then…enough dreaming. Time to get to doing.

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NaPoGenMo 2024 Notes: A Poetic Digestive System

I had this line of thought of emulating a digestive process:

  • Maceration (chewing up data/text – ingestion?)
  • Digestion (breaking down/transformation)
  • Extraction (refining)
  • Excretion (discarding waste)

Also put down some ideas for ways to take the text apart.

Poetic "digestor" notes
Poetic “digestor” notes
Potential methods for processing text
Potential methods for processing text
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Throwing Boots at AI APIs

For National Poetry Generation Month (NaPoGenMo) 2024, I’m going to aim to play with throwing different data at one or more LLMs, then creating functions inspired by the Oulipo movement make something that is at least interesting in planning if not execution 🙂

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I’m Back

It’s been way too long since I’ve updated this site. With all the attention paid to social media, I’ve let the site wither.

I have ideas I want to go into great detail on, and I believe this is where I can best describe them.

So going forward, I’ll strive to post here first, and social media second.

Stay tuned.

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Experimenting With Paulstretch and Singing Synthesis

I’ve decided to return to my “Fungi From Yuggoth” project – I want to finish it by the end of this month and put it on Bandcamp.

But before I get back to it, I’m taking a little detour with an experiment in time-stretching. I’ve taken the first line from T.S. Eliot’s “The Hollow Men”, and done a couple of things to it.

For starters, I’ve used the singing synthesis component of the Festival package to create a couple of vocal parts around the first line:

We are the hollow men, we are the stuffed men.

I’ve decided to call these synthesized choral pieces The Bot Chorale – I’ve used them (with difficulty) in the past. I hope to use them more going forward.

These pieces – sliced, diced, time-stretched (with the Paulstretch algorithm), granulated, and mangled – came together in ways that I hope to use for “The Fungi From Yuggoth.”

And, yes, I will do “The Hollow Men” – eventually.

Consider this a teaser…

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00cc11&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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